Sinus & Nasal Surgery

Sinus & Nasal Surgery

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Sinus & Nasal Surgery Jacksonville

Balloon Sinus Dilation is a treatment option for recurrent and persistent sinusitis sufferers. More than 37 million Americans suffer from sinusitis every year, making it one of the most common health conditions in the country. Traditionally, those who suffer from the pain, pressure and other symptoms of recurring and persisting sinus infections have two routes to relief; taking antibiotics, steroids, and over-the-counter medications, and/or undergoing sinus surgery under general anesthesia. Now, qualified patients have a new treatment option, a simple office procedure called balloon sinus dilation.

Balloon sinus dilation is a minimally invasive treatment option that can be performed by Dr. Trimas right here, in his office. The objective of balloon sinus dilation is to reshape anatomy to expand sinus pathways and restore drainage. The procedure utilizes small balloons placed in key places in the nose and sinus, which are then dilated to expand the sinus pathways. It may be an effective, lasting option for some patients whose symptoms do not resolve with medication.

The balloon sinus dilation procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and usually does not require general anesthesia. In many cases the patient is able to resume normal activities within 24 hours. At your initial office visit, Dr. Trimas can determine if your condition is one that may benefit from balloon sinus dilation and can help you understand the risks and benefits of this treatment option.

Dr. Trimas is a trained and experienced user of balloon sinus dilation technologies. Often times, this procedure can be combined with a cosmetic rhinoplasty. If you are experiencing sinus problems and desire aesthetic improvement to your nose, the joint procedure will allow you to combine recovery time and may save you money on the elective portion of your surgery. Make an appointment with Dr. Trimas today to determine if balloon sinus dilation is right for you.

To learn more about sinusitis treatment options and balloon sinus dilation, visit

Instructions for Rhinoplasty or Septoplasty Surgery:
Surgery Morning
  1. If you are having general anesthesia, nothing to eat or drink after midnight-may brush teeth. If local anesthesia, you are encouraged to eat a light breakfast or lunch prior to your procedure.
  2. Take a shower and wash hair and face in the morning.
  3. Do not wear any make-up (includes mascara and eyeliner). Wash face with baby shampoo when arrive at surgery center to remove any residual eye make-up.
  4. Leave all jewelry at home. Cannot have any metal on your body, so please remove any body piercing.
  5. Clothing: Button-up shirt, sweat pants, socks, shoes (comfortable and easy to walk in).
  6. Bring pain medication with you. You will be numb after surgery and may not feel anything. However, the nurses may give you a pain pill prior to discharge to help keep pain level at a minimum.

Surgery Night
* You will be MOUTH-BREATHING due to possible swelling inside your nose.
  1. If general anesthesia, Soft Bland Diet: DO NOT EAT SPICY FOODS and drink plenty of fluids.
  2. Start your antibiotics at dinnertime; IF NAUSEATED may start antibiotics the next day.
  3. Sleep with head elevated using a recliner or at least 3-4 pillows (for 2-3 days)
  4. Apply ice compresses to sides of nose (alternating) every hour for at least 15 minutes for a couple of days. Frequent application of ice decreases swelling and bruising.
  5. It is normal to have some bleeding for 24-48 hours after surgery. A drip pad will be taped under your nose. Change the pad as needed.
  6. Take pain medication, as you need it, do not try to brave the pain. You will be more comfortable if you keep your pain at a minimum.

Next 1-2 weeks
* You will be stuffy for a couple of weeks.
  1. Nasal Irrigations: (Start morning after surgery, Irrigate 4-6 times a day)
    1. Prevents blockage of your sinuses, keeps inside of nose moist and clean
    2. May buy SINUS RINSE (from Walgreens) or follow recipe:
      1. In 1 gallon of distilled water add 4 teaspoons (sea salt OR canned salt) and 1teaspoon baking soda. Using a baby bulb syringe, squeeze solution into nose (while bent over sink or towel) and irrigate until drainage is somewhat clear. It is normal for discharge to be various colors. Blood clots and mucous may come out.
  2. Apply antibiotic ointment to the rim of your nostrils twice daily.
  3. No blowing through your nose. May blow very lightly after 2 weeks (VERY LIGHTLY).
  4. Sneeze with your mouth open.
  5. No exercise, heavy lifting, or bending over for the first week.

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